Carla lalli music shopping new york city
Carla lalli music shopping new york city

carla lalli music shopping new york city

Also, because they are such a bony fish, understanding where the bone lines are so you can basically either score them before you grill them or maybe butterfly them and then put them back on the grill. One of the things you have to be careful about with sardines is not to overcook them. I must say that as much as I love the way we cook them in Portugal, I feel like sometimes they might be slightly overcooked. It’s an oily fish with a nice sweetness and richness to them. The flavor profile of the meat is incredibly sweet. I always prefer them to be a little smaller I think they're a little sweeter. When sardines start getting a little older they lose the beautiful shine that they have. They have almost a slight rigor mortis they are quite tight and firm, not flabby at all – extremely firm. You can smell it, but it’s not a strong smell of fish. Their gills are perfectly intact and the eyes are perfectly clear. With the fresh ones there’s this shimmering that you have on the fish they literally glow and are super shiny. NM: When you’re shopping for them at a market you can see the difference between the frozen ones and the fresh ones. I fell in love with him from a very early age.įL: How do you shop for them? I think that's probably the first thing that trips people up, right? I remember the first time I ate sardines, I did get quite a few spines suck my throat, but it's all part of the learning process. We've been eating this since our childhood. Mackerel and sardines are so ingrained in our food and food culture it’s synonymous with any Portuguese person. You guys really know what you're doing with these little fish. are intimidated by them, but the Portuguese have truly taken the appreciation of sardines and mackerel to the utmost extent. Second, sardines, like mackerel, are a small, rich silvery fish that are incredibly delicious. First, because my wife's family is Portuguese, and I have fallen in love with grilled sardines I want to be able to impress them next time I see them. Get your grill hot and Mendes's recipe for Grilled Sardines with Green Peppers from his new book My Lisbon: A Cookbook from Portugal's City of Light.įrancis Lam: I wanted to talk to you about grilling food for a couple of reasons. But when you hear Portuguese chef Nuno Mendes and host Francis Lam speak so passionately about grilling sardines in the style of Mendes's home country, you can't help but think of how wonderful plump fresh sardines must taste with a bit of char on them. When you have people getting psyched about racks of ribs and charring porterhouses, grilled fish doesn’t always get the love it deserves. You could call fish the underdog of the summer cookout.

Carla lalli music shopping new york city